Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Module 1- Introducation to Poetry- School Poetry

Wong, Janet S., Flavin, Teresa, ill. You Have To Write. New York: Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing, 2009. ISBN 978-0-689-83409-7.

In a free verse poem, Janet Wong addresses an issue that many writers face-what to write about. Wong tells writers to use everyday experiences-good and bad- as inspiration for writing, "why not think about the plain, the everyday...". Teresa Flavin drew wonderful illustrations that represent students as they struggle for topics and think about experiences. Several pages of the book look like collages of family photos. Wong's tone throughout the poem is encouraging and positive. She gives this last bit of advice to writers, "Try. Because you have to write, and you want it to be good". This poem definitely encourages imaginative thought by asking writers to remember events and memories.
Poem Introduction:
Ask students what their feelings and thoughts are when they are told they have to write a paper, essay, or report. Record their answers on chart paper and post. Can refer back to the chart after reading the poem.

You Have To Write by Janet S. Wong (an excerpt)

You have to write.
You hate to write.

You want it to be good,
to make us cry
or bust up laughing
when the room is quiet.

You want the laugh
to come from the belly,
a surprise, like a burp
with a smile.

Follow up Activity:
Go back the chart and discuss if their feelings and thoughts about writing have changed after hearing the poem. Make a new chart with ideas to help begin writing assignments to use as an anchor chart in the classroom.
book cover image from http://www.barnesandnoble.com/

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